Monday, January 5, 2009


Dah 5 hari masuk 2009 baru terkebil2 aku nak pikir about 2009 resolutions....Bukan xde target yg nak dicapai but tiap kali aku set any target most of it aku tak dpt capai on the same years, biasenye a year after that or 2 years after that...huhu, bile tak tercapai aku pun jadi terkulat2...

However for this year aku rase aku kene ade target and want to ensure i achieve it by end of the year...insyaaallah. SO what is in my mind now is......

1) Nak pakai tudung...huhu (actually dah ckp dgn hubby nak pakai bulan puasa aritu, tp tak berjaya gak, pastu ckp nak pakai lepas raya still tak berjaya, n pastu ckp nak pakai on 1 Jan but tak gak....hmmm). But insyaaallah aku akan pakai ASAP.

2) To buy new house. I think now is the right time for us to find one good place for us to stay. Insyaallah

3) To buy DSLR (huhuhu....tetibe teringin ler plak......). SO kene menabung la nampaknye cost mahal dowh....

4) To have one small business(sampingan jer). Seronok tgk org lain buat business. (actually dah masuk list few years back but until now tak tercapai2 gak lg..huhu)

5) To "produce" one more baby kot....insyaallah....


Miss Moon said...

moga semua nyer tercapai ...aminnn

Filla said...

hi nydia.. thnx for visiting yer.. baru lagik yer blog2 nieh.. welcome yer!!!

nydia-mama akif said...

hi filla...mmmg baru lg tak pandai pun lg dah lama jd u and moon silent segan nak leave comment,huhu...