Ujung tahun xtvt wajib of coz la concert anak2 ditadika....
Last sunday school akif buat concert...
Buat kat presint 8 putrajaya...
Akif of coz la happy sangat2 part2 camni...dari atas stage dah terlambai2....suka sgt dia....
Akif dapat hadiah for best linguistic....tp actually semua student dpt adiah rasenya...ye la of coz la teachers nak bg semua student happy....
Lepas abis concert balik rumah n siap2 nk g bercuti lak...g morib je, g dgn family sbb nk celebrate bday 2 org anak sefare..tu cite next entry (tah taun bile br next entry...wallahualam)

Last sunday school akif buat concert...
Buat kat presint 8 putrajaya...
Akif of coz la happy sangat2 part2 camni...dari atas stage dah terlambai2....suka sgt dia....
Akif dapat hadiah for best linguistic....tp actually semua student dpt adiah rasenya...ye la of coz la teachers nak bg semua student happy....
Lepas abis concert balik rumah n siap2 nk g bercuti lak...g morib je, g dgn family sbb nk celebrate bday 2 org anak sefare..tu cite next entry (tah taun bile br next entry...wallahualam)

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