Alhamdulillah, its already 1 mths plus akif attend his school....
And I am happy to see his progress...
Akif dah boleh hafal al fatihah dgn selancar2nya ( seriously almost make me cry when I heard akif baca al fatihah for the first time).....
Akif also dah bole baca doa makan with meaning ( sblm ni tau baca doa mkn je, without meaning.....skg everytime makan akan baca doa mkn with meaning.....mama pun xtau sblm ni...huhu)
Akif also dah bole hafal rukun islam n rukun iman in english....
Lagu pun dah berderet2 dia nyanyi....but most of the song is the song yg I tak pernah dgr...huhu
Alhamdulillah juga coz akif loves his school...
Until today easy to wake him up in the morning, sometimes want to go to school on weekend
Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah.....im happy when akif happy...hehe
posted from Bloggeroid
1 comment:
good boy!!!!
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