Last wednesday after coming back from office my hubby ajak g palace of golden horses. Aku confused ok coz pehal plak dia ajak aku g ni..nak check in ke?ishh....tak dapek ler (aku sedar sape diriku) huhuhu.....SO dalam kete aku pun tanye la laki ku ape ke hal nak kesane...dia ckp dia dpt voucher free n bla bla bla....aku terus je ckp jgn percaya mesti tipu....aku takmo pegi dah tp dia ajak gak, dia ckp tgk je la terpakse la ikut jugak...dah la jalan jam tak hingat
Sampai je WAHHH...mmg la cantik giler hotel ni...SOrry la aku mmg jakun skit coz never been this hotel before....Lepas tu jumpe person incharge n register...aku gak la kene register bukan laki aku k..sume dia suh aku buat....
Pastu diorg bwk la kitorg g one room ni n suruh makan dulu...nak tau makan ape?Meehon n air kosong sahaja ok!!!!!kedekut ya rabbi...takpe takpe
PAstu dtg la satu girl ni entertained us.....actually entertained me coz laki aku dok sebuk melayan akif, dia punye ckp sikit la laju cam ketapi xpress....sampai aku tak paham bijik butir dia ckp pun......dia ckp BM je tp bunyi cam ckp ape je....AKu sampai terpakse suh dia cakap slow2 skit coz aku mmg tak paham ape dia ckp.....
Lepas tu dia pun terangkan la tujuan dia ajak kitorg dtg, actually to promote their membership..i was like hmmm..confirm mahal aku terus je tanye how much?Malas nak byk citer dia ckp jgn la tanye harga dulu coz dia nak bwk kitorg tour hotel first for 60 minutes...60 minutes???????????? Adoih......dah sampai so terpakse la layan jugak....
SO dia pun bwk ler kitorg jelajah hotel tu..g swimming pool,gym n mcm2 tempat lg la....
Lepas tu dah habis tour dia pun tanye la berminat or tak join membership dia...aku as usual tanye how much?aku dah geram sbnrnye..bile tanye harga dok dolak dalih...kang aku terus balik kang...
DIa pun bgtau yg they have 2 package, one is gold which cost RM24K and one is diamond which cost RM40K. I was like astaga...dapat aku beli kereta okehh!!!!!
Aku dah cuak dah terus je ckp aku takmo...pastu leh tanye aku nape takmo..nak je aku hempuk diorg ni..dah tentu la aku tak mampu, kalo mampu mmg aku akan masuk jap tu gak...jgn kan RM24k RM40k tu aku amik..budus tul....Dah la aku naik hangin coz aku suh cepat skit coz akif dah ngamuk sbb ngantuk...diorg bole wat derk je....suh dgr jugak diorg xplain....hangin ok....
AKu ckp aku takmo masuk n finally diorg bg voucher and suruh ajak member dtg..korg nak g?silakan......
But bile tgk voucher tu sejuk jap ati mak ni....huhu....u wanna know y? Coz aku dpt
1) free voucher for 2 pax for jacuzzi,spa (will attend)
2) free voucher for boat tour (will attend)
3) free complimentary check up (will attend)
4) discount for dinner or lunch at their hotel (not interested)
5) the most interesting thing is we get free voucher for 2 rooms for 3d/2n stay at selected hotel....yehaa..
So i plan to go to Langkawi n now tgh survey any free flight ticket plak..huhu...sume nak free
the voucher

me sempat posing walaupun dah penat gler...
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