I think i really need to take a break....kepala dah tepu.....my head cannot function,i think u all understand what i said....just imagine the last time i had my rest time aka vacation was my honeymoon trip to Bali which is 1 year ++ ago....lama tak?

just imagine punye la lama berlalu.....mane tak tepu pala otak ku ini.....nak buat keje pun cam dah takde mood....

Bile tgk gambo ni tetibe lak teringat saat honeymoon dulu.....best jugak la pergi mase ni..cume tak sempat jalan sgt coz mase suntuk...3days 2 night trip....mmg tak sempat....so jalan2 je la mane yg sempat.....mase trip ni actually after 1 month kitorg kawin..lambat skit g coz malas nak rush2 sgt.....right after we came back from this trip i found out i dah mengandung.....hehehehe...bunting pelamin org ckp...patut la cam not feeling well mase pegi...tak larat je....thats y kitorg tak jelajah sgt..coz asyik rase penat je..rupenye badan dah berat..hehehe

EH..melalut plak dah....back to my topic for today,so i think i need to find one good n peace place to relax....wahhh bestnye bunyi......but where???????hmmm......rase cam nak g redang or pangkor je....tak bole g jauh2 coz i plan to leave akif dgn his atok... so tak bole g jauh2 takut nanti dia meragam or ape senang nak balik....nanti la fikirkan tempatnye..nanti i will let u know..hehehe..jom cuti2 malaysia
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