Thursday, November 27, 2008


Last night i dragged my hubby to metrojaya sale @mv....but kitorg tak sampai pun.....Know y?
Semalam kan hujan lebat tak hingat punye....hubby dah cakap tak yah pergi hujan lebat sgt,camne nak bawak akif...i tak peduli nak g gak....hehehe...degil tak aku, maka kitorg pun pergi.........sampai ampang..ya allah...jam gler.....terus masuk kl, tgk2 jam giler...sume jalan tak boleh...jam i decided to cancel our plan (my silly plan) actually..hehehehe....SO we want to go home....but how???????
We stucked in da very bad jam.......after an hour baru sampai ampang.....then tgk2 MRR2 jam giler to Ukay we decided to Kenny rogers.Makan sambil tunggu jalan ok back......At last around 9.30 baru jalan ok skit n we go home.....
Moral of the story.....jangan degil cakap suami..hehehehe......

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Last night for the first time akif tido from 9.30pm until 6am straight..dia tak bangun2...wahhhhhhhhhh.....gumbiranye mama....kan best kalo everyday camni syg oii.....

i dunno either dia terlalu penat or terlalu kenyang..coz normally he will takes bout 2-3 biscuits for last night dia taknak langsung.....means dia kenyang....then around 9 dia dah start nyanyi2...akif ni if nak tdo dia akan aaaa...aaaa.....aaaaaa(tp ade lagu skit la) bile aku baringkan n sumbat susu,tepuk2 buntot dia, dia marah.......dia bangun n sambung main.....pastu yg paling best is aku baring mase tu, n dia dtg kat aku tepuk2 buntot aku lak...konon nak dodoikan aku tdo.....amboii....pastu start usap still taknak tdo..then suddenly bedebuk......guess whatttt??????

DIa jatuh terlentang coz dah ngantuk sgt.....tu la degil sgt......pastu ape lg melalak la......

Ayah dia terus dukung baringkan n sumbat susu n tepuk buntot dia...terus terlena sampai ke pagi......

AKu pun pelik gak coz xdgr lgsg dia nangis last night...i thought aku tdo mati sampai tak dgr dia tanye hubby, he said mmg akif tak jaga malam tadi...wahhhhh..what a good progress hah.....(sengeh gumbira).

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


This morning akif really make me shocked. Mama tgh dok sedap baring tgk tv and he is crawling usual aku just biarkan je dia but suddenly dia dok diam je....akif ni kalo tetibe dok diam means dia mesti ade buat jumpe kertas or ape2 bende kecik atas aku saje tgk n what shocking me isssss dia tgh pegang lipasssssssssssssss......................n mase tu dia tgh nak masukkan bende tu dlm mulut dia.....................

Ya allah...menjerit aku..........cepat2 aku jerit suruh dia lepaskan..nak pegang mmg tidak la..aku gerun lipasssssssssssss........meremang aku...aku jerit panggil hubby...cepat2 dia lari terus tarik lipas tu dari tgn anak aku......budak ni mmg selamba je..xde perasaan...

Dia juz tercengang2 coz aku terjerit2.....

ANakku anakkku....punye la banyak mainan ko lipas gak ko g terkam....eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...gelinye......

warehouse sale everywhere.....

Last weekend we went to SOGO warehouse sale....we chose to go on Sunday since they have special price for huggies dry on that day only. Its only RM33.5o. So we went there as early as we can...just imagine kul 10 tepat kitorg dah terpacak dpn sogo.....huahuahua....tak pernah di buat

Now i will call myself as a "warehouse shoppers" since i think i only shop bile ade warehouse sale....and i always update about warehouse sales from hubby pun cam dah pening cos asyik ajak g warehouse sale....he's the kind yg tak suke g tempat crowded...actually me too.. but that time dah berlalu.....dulu mase belum kawin jgn harap la aku nak g berdating kat tempat2 crowded ni....sale2 ni pun malas je nak berebut....but noww.....aku rela berebut2 to get cheaper price....esp for kids item...SO i explained to my hubby we need to save so no choice...mari berebut...hehehehehe

Ye la juz imagine how is the crowd at warehouse sale i feel i dah immune to it.....aku ni terjebak dgn this kind of shopping since i have si akif ni... the first warehouse that i went was hytex at puchong...di situlah segalanye la can u imagine baju baby as cheap as rm3....nak buat ape g bazir2 beli kat kedai..paling2 murah rm10.....lgpun just nak buat baju pakai kat rumah...n of coz diorg pakai kejap je coz they growing up....

So dari saat itulah aku sgt alert bout warehouse sale esp for kids item......

Nasib baik mase aku g SOGO tu org tak ramai sgt lg....our mission juz to grab straight to the counter n buy huggies....yg tak best sorg just can buy aku beli 2 n my hubby beli dua....pastu ingt nak baris lg...tgk Q dah we diceded to stop n straight away go home....mission accomplished...hehehe

Next week pun ade warehouse sale kat PJ, pureen warehouse sale....tgh pikir nak pergi or not coz we plan to go to cherating next not sure sempat singgah before we go to cherating or not.......will c camne lah....

Monday, November 24, 2008

Tertutup sudah pintu, pintu hatiku
Yang pernah dibuka waktu hanya untukmu
Kini kau pergi dari hidupku
Kuharus relakanmu walau aku tak mau
Berjuta warna pelangi di dalam hati
Sejenak luluh bergeming menjauh pergi
Tak ada lagi cahaya suci
Semua nada beranjak aku terdiam sepi
Reff2:Dengarlah matahariku, suara tangisanku
Kubersedih karna panah cinta menusuk jantungku
Ucapkan matahariku puisi tentang hidupku
Tentangku yang tak mampu menaklukkan waktu
Back to reff 1
Back to reff 2

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I think i really need to take a break....kepala dah head cannot function,i think u all understand what i said....just imagine the last time i had my rest time aka vacation was my honeymoon trip to Bali which is 1 year ++ ago....lama tak?

just imagine punye la lama berlalu.....mane tak tepu pala otak ku ini.....nak buat keje pun cam dah takde mood....

Bile tgk gambo ni tetibe lak teringat saat honeymoon jugak la pergi mase ni..cume tak sempat jalan sgt coz mase suntuk...3days 2 night trip....mmg tak jalan2 je la mane yg sempat.....mase trip ni actually after 1 month kitorg kawin..lambat skit g coz malas nak rush2 sgt.....right after we came back from this trip i found out i dah mengandung.....hehehehe...bunting pelamin org ckp...patut la cam not feeling well mase pegi...tak larat je....thats y kitorg tak jelajah sgt..coz asyik rase penat je..rupenye badan dah berat..hehehe

EH..melalut plak dah....back to my topic for today,so i think i need to find one good n peace place to relax....wahhh bestnye bunyi......but where???????hmmm......rase cam nak g redang or pangkor je....tak bole g jauh2 coz i plan to leave akif dgn his atok... so tak bole g jauh2 takut nanti dia meragam or ape senang nak balik....nanti la fikirkan tempatnye..nanti i will let u know..hehehe..jom cuti2 malaysia

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


See.....dah sebulan lebih blog aku dah tersadai....mmg dah agak mesti jadi la aku manusia yg cepat boring...mase mula2 aritu wahhhh...punye la excited ade blog sendiri...everyday cite kat hubby pasal ape yg aku tulis, siap pakse dia suh belikan aku broadband..konon nak berblog2 dr rumah....cehh...see poyo tak poyo....laki aku yg mmg dah kenal sgt perangai aku buat bodo je malas nak layan...sbb dia tau aku ni mmg jenis sekejap je ape2 bende pun.....hehehehe....

Tp disebabkan aku mmg tgh boring tahap kritikal today, so aku menjengah le kejap blog aku ni tgk dah berabuk ke ape ke..hikhik.

Actually so many things happened for the past few weeks tp malasnye nak bercerita....takpe la ....will try to spend some times for this blog in future....hopefully...hehehe